“Even as we queued outside, masked and socially distanced from other parents, we felt a warmth and magnetism emanating from inside the school, and saw it written all over the little faces who ran out towards us at pick up.” Reception parent, 2021.
Quite simply, Grimsdell feels magical. Not only for our children, but also for families and staff. We honour our philosophy, ‘instilling values, inspiring minds’, by creating an environment which embraces and celebrates each child’s individuality. We boost them, providing the opportunity for them to flourish, and be the best version of themselves. Our school code, the ‘Grimsdell Way’, ensures a safe and secure community, upholding high standards for all. We embellished these principles during the pandemic, acknowledging the shift from classroom to homeschool.
Our creative curriculum is driven by termly topics - these act as a narrative across all learning areas from core subjects through to PE, music and even snack and lunchtimes. We talk of ‘stunning starts’, ‘marvellous middles’ and ‘fabulous finishes’ which, coupled with an enquiry based approach, stimulate and excite our children. We have seen this deepen cross curricular links and enhance understanding. Our children foster a love of learning with help from a series of on and offline tools, including Anima Phonics.
Our focus on self-expression is resolute as we treat every interaction as an opportunity to learn through play - in our multi-functioning classrooms, bespoke-built outdoor cabin, science garden, during weekly Forest School adventures. Children publish in their own style (in individual paper journals and Seesaw online logs) and perform with their own flair (our famed whole school nativity plays). ISI stated: “Pupils have extremely positive attitudes to learning due to the enthusiasm demonstrated by the highly professional staff.”
Our commitment to developing 21st century leaders is unwavering. We survived lockdowns (and key worker school) thanks to technology and it continues to add value in our ‘new normal’ classrooms. Extra use of tech brings excitement as well as skill: iPad photography, online collaboration, freeze framing, green screening, video performances... Each term we have Junior Librarians, Year 2 form the School Council and in the wider world, our children are proven forerunners: entering national science competitions, volunteering for charities and publishing their own stories.
Our pastoral care is exemplary. At Grimsdell we place the wellbeing and mental health of our children, families and staff above all else. We benefit from a fully qualified in-house ‘play therapist’ and pride ourselves on SEN enrichment nurturing many of our children. All pupils are equipped with resources from the ‘Thrive in Five’ programme and in Year 2 they complete the PAWSB curriculum. We invest greatly in a seamless transition from pre-prep to prep, immersing the children in Belmont life with co-hosted sports tournaments, merged uniforms and time spent in the grounds.
Our sincere hope is that, when children leave us, instilled with values and minds inspired, they treasure their years spent at Grimsdell. We celebrate the individuals they've become, but also everything they taught us along the way.